Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Key

Tempted = We want to see it
Acquainted = We have seen it
Desired = We want to own it
Possessed = We own it.

Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb

d: Seth Holt, Michael Carreras
c: Valerie Leon, Andrew Keir

A British archaeologist and his team bring an embalmed Egyptian royal back from their latest expedition, and trouble ensues when the archaeologist's daughter is possessed.

The Mummy’s Shroud

d: John Gilling
c: Maggie Kimberly, Andre Morell

In 1920 an archaeological expedition discovers the tomb of an ancient Egyptian child prince. Returning home with their discovery, the expedition members soon find themselves being killed.

Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb

d: Michael Cerraras
c: Terence Morgan, Ronald Howard

British archaeologists and their American investor ship an Egyptian mummy's sarcophagus to London but someone has the amulet to revive the mummy that will then kill all those who disturbed its tomb.

The Mummy

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee

An archaeology team discover the tomb of an Egyptian princess, guarded by an undead mummy who will avenge all who desecrate the site.

Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing

Baron Victor Frankenstein continues his macabre experiments as the surgeon of an insane asylum, but his new creation is intent on revenge.

Horror of Frankenstein

d: Jimmy Sangster
c: Ralph Bates, Veronica Carlson

No CUSHING! Comdey.
Tongue-in-cheek chiller about a ruthlessly sadistic student who will stop at nothing in pursuit of advancing his shocking scientific experiments. Young Victor Frankenstein murders his own father in order to inherit his title and fortune, and drops out of school to concentrate on his unholy attempts to resurrect dead creatures.

Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing

The infamous doctor Baron transplants his dead associate's brain into the body of a murdered mental patient. The bloody results end in carnage as Frankenstein is brought to life.

Frankenstein Created Woman

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing

After being reanimated, Baron Frankenstein transfers the soul of an executed young man into the body of his lover, prompting her to kill the men who wronged them.

Revenge of Frankenstein

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing

Baron Frankenstein joins forces with a small town German doctor in his latest and most terrifying experiment.

Curse of Frankenstein

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee

Victor Frankenstein (Peter Cushing) is a brilliant scientist willing to stop at nothing in his quest to reanimate a deceased body. After alienating his longtime friend and partner, Paul Krempe (Robert Urquhart), with his extreme methods, Frankenstein assembles a hideous creature (Christopher Lee) out of dead body parts and succeeds in bringing it to life. But the monster is not as obedient or docile as Frankenstein expected, and it runs amok, resulting in murder and mayhem.

The Velvet Vampire

d: Stephanie Rothman
c: Sherry Miles, Gene Shane, Celeste Yarnall

A couple on the brink of divorse heads out to the desert with a strange and hot lady in a yellow dune buggy, there is lots of cheating and sun bathing. There is a crazy chase between the two chicks and a cross weilding angry mob.

Dracula A.D. 1972

d: Alan Gibson
c: Christopher Lee

Van Helsing despatches Dracula to his grave, only for the dark lord to be reborn in 1972. When the swinging trendies of London decide to experiment with a little devil-worshipping, the Count decides to move to his own bloody groove.

Scars of Dracula

d: Roy Ward Baker
c: Christopher Lee

Bat's blood hits Dracula's (Christopher Lee) ashes, and he rises again to fight a couple (Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley) looking for trouble.

Taste the Blood of Dracula

d: Peter Sasdy
c: Christopher Lee

Three elderly and distinguished gentlemen, searching for some excitement in their boring lives, get in contact with one of Count Dracula's servants.

Dracula Has Risen from the Grave

d: Freddie Francis
c: Christopher Lee

A small Transylvanian village receives the full brunt of Dracula's terror after a priest exorcises his castle. Christopher Lee is the arch-bloodsucker whose lust for a beautiful young bishop's niece incurs the wrath of the entire village.

Dracula Prince of Darkness

d: Terence Fisher
c: Christopher Lee

Four English travellers arrive at a tiny hamlet in the Carpathian Mountains and ignore warnings from the locals not to travel to Carlsbad, the domain of Count Dracula. A dark, driverless carriage arrives to take them to the sinister castle, but they discover too late that they have been lured there to provide the blood which will allow Dracula to rise from the grave once more.

Horror of Dracula

d: Terence Fisher
c: Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee

OG Dracula! Amazing choreography as Cushing rips down the curtains, makes a cross from a couple candle sticks and drives Lee down, into the sunlight!

Tomb of the Blind Dead

d: Amando de Ossorio
c: Lone Flemming, Cesar Burner, Maria Elena Arpon

Lady on a train finds our her boyfriend is a pig, she jumps off and camps in some ruins... Later, after hanging out with some wierd mannequins, her crappy boyfriend and her friend go searching for her by ienlisting a rape-y drug dealer and his angry girlfriend. The blind dead are pretty rad.

The Curse of the Werewolf

d: Terence Fisher
c: Clifford Evans, Oliver Reed, Yvone Roman

Adopted guy carried a dark secret, only the woman who loves him can free him.

The Werewolf vs the Vampire Woman

d: Leon Klimovsky c: Paul Naschy, Gaby Fuchs, Barbara Capell

Two ladys travel through France looking for a lost ruin and vampire/countess burial ground. They find it... and a werewolf.

Night of the Werewolf

d: Paul Naschy
c: Paul Naschy, Julia Saly

Hot researchers go on vacay, running into a werewolf and Elizabeth Bathory

City of the Dead

1960 d John Llewellyn Moxey c Patricia Jessel, Dennis Lotis, Christopher Lee A young college student arrives in a sleepy Massachusetts to...